Sunday, January 29, 2012


Holocron Entry V

Alright here's the deal. I've been gone for a couple months. By gone I mean not posting. By not posting I mean lazy. To answer your question, no I have not given up on this, I just don't want to overkill it. So there. Alright now that's out of the way, let's get down to business.

First off, I don't usually get into personal life stuff too much with people I don't know, especially on the internet. That's just weird. But I will say that someone people's personal lives need to become a little less public. Not that saying this is going to matter seeing as none of you read this anyway.... SO! if I tell you to read this sometime and you happen to actually listen, take a hint and re-evaluate living with your head up your ass. Or don't. Whatever. But seriously....

Next, a few announcements due to recent/semi-not-so-recent events.

1. I'm going to start with this because I think everyone can relate to just how annoying this is. Stop posting super depressing status' on Facebook 16 times a day to get attention. Mood swings 8 times a day isn't as entertaining as you might think. Just post something periodically and keep it vague. That's what people who actually care about you want to read. If they want to know more, they'll use something other than Facebook. (This also applies to Twitter) And do us all a favor and stop using # signs on Facebook. If the person you are referencing doesn't get what you are trying to say, then say it in person.

2. If you are going to hang out with people, actually hang out with them, don't sit on their freaking couch and mope or text someone. Especially not the person next to you. If you don't want to be there, then don't. I'm sick of trying to entertain people who are determined to have a bad time. It's fucking obnoxious.

3. If you are going to drunk text, try to keep it before 2 A.M. After that most people are sleeping. I'm probably not, but you never know. And try to keep it funny. If you are misspelling every other word, it's usually funny. If you are misspelling every word, it's not as much. If you are trying to be depressing, I won't text back. Think before you drink.... and text.... or call. Just saying.

4. Stop gossiping about people's personal lives. Seriously. I know you're bored, I know you think the world revolves around your opinion, turns out no one gives a rat's ass about what you think. So do us all a favor and stfu. That's all. Besides, most of the time people have no idea what they are talking about anyway, so believe it at your own risk. (Hopefully the last time I will use a text message acronym in a blog post)

5. Alright last one, I promise. It's not even that hard. IF you own a camera and IF you are planning on hanging out with friends, bring your freaking camera. Is it really that hard? I mean come one. Everyone loves going on Facebook on Monday and looking back on the photos of the stupid stuff you do with your friends that no one else understands because they weren't there. But you can't very well do that if there aren't any photos, can ya? No. So, the next time you are hanging out, snap a few shots, or a few hundred. Always better to have too many than not enough. And make sure you actually get in on a couple. Always important to remember the good times.

Ok. Glad we got that cleared up. I will hopefully post again soon to those who care, though maybe not so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I will try and post about something relevant next week. Adios.

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