Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Great, the Ok, and the Disgraceful....

Holocron Entry IV

And we're back.. This is my second actual productive post, but before I begin I would like to pose a question to anyone who happens to read this: why do people write blogs? I know some people are paid to review specific things or the more famous use it to easily communicate with people who want to know what is going on in their life, but what about everyone else? Do they think that people care about their random thoughts? Do they do it because their friends ask them to? Are they just that bored? Seeing as I do not fall in the category of being famous and I'm sure as hell not getting paid to do this I will have to say that yes, I am in fact that bored. Plus I'd like to think it may educate people on subjects they may not know as much about.... But yes, I realize most people don't give a rats ass what I think. MOVING ON!

I said last time that I would be discussing the TV shows Homeland, Terra Nova, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Obviously, they are all very different shows. They are also what I was referring to with the title of this post. I will let you guess which is which.... or you can just scroll down and find out. I will start with Homeland.

Homeland is a Showtime series that premiered October 2nd. It stars Damien Lewis (Also starred in the HBO mini-series Band Of Brothers), Claire Daines (also in the movies Stardust and Terminator 3). The show is actually based on an Israeli called Prisoners of War. The plot of the show is Claire Daines plays a CIA operative who believes an American prisoner of war (Damien Lewis), who was rescued and brought back to America, was turned and is now a threat to the country. It is an extremely engaging series and will have you on the edge of you seat waiting to see what happens next. While you may not believe me, Homeland received a 91 out of 100 from 28 critics, had over a million views of the premier, and became Showtime's highest viewed premier in over eight years. (To be honest that kind of saddens me because of how much I like the show Dexter, but nonetheless impressive) I highly recommend the show to anyone who has Showtime, otherwise just watch it online. This series is "the Great."

The next series is Terra Nova. It is a show on Fox that premiered September 26th. It stars Stephen Lang (Also in Avatar and The Men Who Stare At Goats), and.... honestly he's the only one worth mentioning in my opinion. The plot of this series is that the year is 2149 and humanity is on the brink of extinction due to what looks like a really bad sandstorm 24/7, and overpopulation (to which I ask, how are we about to go extinct?) Anyway, humanity finds a way to go back in time 85 millions years to restart and give humanity a second chance to screw up everything.... or hopefully not, who knows.  Up until today the show has been kind of disappointing to be honest. It is a bit cheesy, kind of predictable, and the characters are a little too naive to be believable in some circumstances. Honestly the only character I really like is Stephen Lang's character and his second in command. The show is progressively getting better but very slowly. If you are looking for a new show to watch I would say look into Terra Nova, but just don't get you hopes up.This series is "the Ok."

And finally we come Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This is an animated TV series on Cartoon Network. The show is currently on its fourth season. It is based between Episodes II and III during the Clone Wars (obviously). I would like to start by saying that although I watch the show, there are a great deal of reasons that I truly do not like this show. First of, it's childish. Obviously to be expected seeing as it is an animated cartoon show. Nonetheless, it shows clones with no names and no faces dying for a Republic that treats them like dirt (plus they don't get any vacation time). Besides that, it has some absolutely terrible story lines. The last two weeks focused on R2-D2 and C-3PO, and not in a good way. They have absolutely no bearing on anything else happening in the galaxy. Ok, now to get into the stuff that actually upsets me as a Star Wars fan. The series has contradicted multiple stories from the books, one of which is Darth Maul. Before the series, Wookieepedia (the official Star Wars wiki) had him labeled as an Iridonian Zabrak, which what he is. BUT! Since the release of the Clone Wars, they changed his species to be a Dathomirian Zabrak, from the planet Dathomir which is home to the Night Sisters (also known as Force Witches). Now this wouldn't be that big of a deal except for the fact that in one of the very famous books based after the end of Episode VI, and written before the release of Episode I let alone the Clone Wars, no one has been to the planet Dathomir in hundreds of years. But, you know what? Whatever! Let them fuck up one of the coolest characters ever conceived. (By the way, the series plans on having Darth Maul return as his cyborg self in the TV series, further disgracing an amazing villain) What upsets me beyond anything else though is the tragedy that befell author Karen Traviss and one of the best series I have ever read. Her Republic Commando series about the Clone Troopers was, in my opinion, brilliant. It gives the complete other aspect of the Clone Wars (event, not TV show) from the view of the clones, who actually AREN'T just mindless drones despite what people believe. The books have a differing view of Mandalorian history than the TV series portrayed, which most people would say, "Who cares, it's not like all those little kids are gonna read the books and email LucasArts about the contradictions," BUT they sent a cease and desist letter to Karen Traviss and told her she could not finish her book series. With only one left to go. Out of six. So now the five book series does not have a conclusion. She posted what she wanted to conclude the series with but obviously it's not quite the same. The TV show, while still Star Wars in name, doesn't truly embody what the Saga of Star Wars truly is. I think it cheapens the universe and gives Star Wars a bad look. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone who isn't a complete die-hard Star Wars like myself to watch this show (though I'm assuming if you are reading this you don't watch cartoon shows anymore in which case I feel bad for you). Star Wars: The Clone Wars is "the Disgraceful."

Wow, I quite clearly had a lot of emotions about the Clone Wars being held in. Homeland is a great series, Terra Nova is eh, and everyone now knows what I think about the Clone Wars. I will end this quick since I have been talking WAY too much. You will just have to wait and see what I write about next time. Adios.

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